When Do Kittens Open Their Eyes for the First Time?

Baby kitten with blue eyes

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering when kittens open their eyes, then you’re in the right place. We’re going to dig into the wonderful world of kittens, exploring everything about those adorable little furballs and their journey from being blind newborns to the point where they start observing the world with their newly opened eyes.

The first few weeks of a kitten’s life are truly a wonder to observe. They transition from newborns who can’t see or hear, to curious and playful little explorers, full of life and energy. One of the first major milestones they reach is opening their eyes for the first time. This process is not just fascinating to watch but understanding it can also help you ensure that your kitten is developing healthily and happily. So, let’s explore when and how baby kittens open their eyes. But first…

When Do Kittens Open Their Eyes?

Typically, kittens start opening their eyes around 7-10 days old. However, some may open their eyes as early as five days, and some may take up to 14 days. It’s important to note that this timeline might vary depending on the breed and the individual kitten’s health status.

Now, let’s explore the topic in more detail.

Kitten’s Development: The First Weeks

Kittens’ development in the first few weeks is a fascinating journey. When they’re born, kittens are essentially helpless. They are blind, deaf, and completely dependent on their mother for warmth, nourishment, and safety. This stage of their life is called the neonatal period, and it typically lasts for about two weeks.

During this time, their primary activities include feeding and sleeping. However, beneath the surface, a lot of important developments are happening. They’re rapidly growing, and their bodies are undergoing significant changes as they prepare for the next stages of their lives.

Around the end of the first week, they start to open their eyes. It’s not an immediate process, though; it happens gradually over several days. However, once their eyes are open, it’s not long before they start exploring their surroundings. Following this, their ear canals open, and they begin to hear.

By three weeks old, most kittens begin to walk, although at this stage it’s more of an adorable wobble than a confident strut. Their teeth start to come in, and they may even start to show interest in solid food. These are just some of the many exciting changes in a kitten’s development during the first few weeks.

Understanding the Kitten’s Eye Development

The development of a kitten’s eyes is an intriguing process that begins before the kitten is even born. During the later stages of a cat’s pregnancy, the eyes of the unborn kittens start forming within the womb. This prenatal development lays the foundation for the eyes’ structure, but the eyes remain closed to protect them from any potential harm while the kittens are still in utero.

After birth, the kittens’ eyes continue their development while remaining sealed shut for about a week to ten days, although it could extend up to two weeks in some cases. During this time, the kittens’ eyes are still incredibly sensitive, and the eyelids stay closed to guard the eyes from potential damage. They’re also continuing to develop behind the protection of those closed eyelids.

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Once this developmental phase is complete, the kittens begin to gradually open their eyes. The process usually starts at the inner corners of the eyes and progresses outward, slowly unveiling their initial foggy, bluish-grey colored eyes. Over time, these eyes will start to gain more clarity and eventually reveal their permanent color around 6 to 7 weeks after birth.

Joey looking dapper

Ah, I remember it like it was yesterday. The day I opened my eyes was oh so intriguing! Everything was so fuzzy and full of light at first. It was like going from a world of darkness into a world full of fascinating shapes and movement. My siblings looked so different once I could actually see them. And, believe me, that’s not a good thing! Clearly, I’m the good looking one… Poor ugly kitties. #EyesWideOpen #HandsomeKitty


What Do Kitten’s Eyes Look Like When They First Open?

When baby kittens open their eyes for the first time, their vision isn’t as sharp as an adult cat’s. They’re initially only able to distinguish light from dark. Their eyes are typically a smoky, blue-gray color. This is because they haven’t developed the melanin pigment in their irises yet. Their eyes might look a bit cloudy, and their vision is not fully developed, so they don’t see the world as clearly as mature cats do at this stage. Also, because the iris is not fully formed, the pupils take up most of the visible eye, which makes them look larger and darker than they will later on.

As the kittens continue to grow, their vision improves gradually, and they start to discern more details. The eyes will start to change color usually when they are around six to seven weeks old, moving from the initial bluish gray to their permanent color which can range from green, gold, yellow, or stay a particular shade of blue, or even a mix, depending on the breed and genetic factors. It’s also important to note that a kitten’s eyes when first opened are very sensitive to light, and direct sunlight can potentially harm their eyes.

Read also: Can Cats See In Total Darkness?

Caring for a Kitten Before and After Their Eyes Open

Caring for a newborn kitten before its eyes open involves providing a safe, warm environment, ensuring the mother cat is well-fed and hydrated, and monitoring the kitten’s overall health. Newborn kittens are unable to regulate their body temperature effectively, so maintaining an appropriate ambient temperature is crucial. If the mother cat is unavailable, bottle-feeding the kittens with a suitable milk replacement is necessary.

Once the kitten’s eyes start to open, it’s important to be vigilant for any signs of infection or other eye problems, such as discharge, swelling, or if the eyes are not opening at roughly the same time. Their newly opened eyes are highly sensitive, so they should be shielded from direct, bright light.

As the kittens start to become more mobile and curious about their surroundings, ensuring the environment is safe for exploration becomes paramount. Once their eyes are open, kittens become more adventurous and will start to try to climb and play. Providing safe toys and play spaces is a crucial part of caring for them at this stage.

Additionally, as the kittens grow and start weaning off their mother’s milk, introducing appropriate solid food into their diet is another important step in their care. Regular veterinary check-ups are also important to ensure the kittens are growing and developing properly.

Common Eye Problems in Kittens

Kittens can sometimes encounter eye-related health issues during the initial weeks of their life. One common issue is a condition known as conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the lining of the eyelids, which can result in red, swollen, or watery eyes. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including viral or bacterial infections, irritants like dust, or trauma.

Another frequent issue is ocular discharge, where kittens may have a clear or colored (yellow or green) discharge from their eyes. This can be a symptom of various issues, including infections, blocked tear ducts, or even serious viral diseases like Feline Herpesvirus.

Lastly, kittens might face issues related to the delayed opening of the eyes. If one or both of a kitten’s eyes haven’t opened by two weeks of age, it may be a sign of a developmental issue or infection.

Why is it taking so long for my kitten’s eyes to open?

While most kittens’ eyes open within 7 to 10 days after birth, sometimes it may take a bit longer, potentially up to two weeks. There could be a few reasons why your kitten’s eyes haven’t opened yet. It may be due to individual variations in growth and development rates; every kitten is unique and may not adhere strictly to the general timeline.

However, if the eyes haven’t opened after two weeks, it may indicate a potential health issue. It’s important to monitor the kitten closely for any signs of distress or discomfort. If the kitten seems to be struggling, or if you notice swelling, discharge, or redness around the eyes, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian as soon as possible. They can provide guidance and, if necessary, treatment to ensure the kitten’s eyes open healthily and without discomfort.

Early detection and treatment of eye issues can significantly improve the prognosis and help preserve the kitten’s vision.


Understanding when baby kittens open their eyes can truly enhance the experience of watching these adorable little creatures grow. From the moment they are born to the day they open their eyes and beyond, every step of their growth is a bundle of joy to observe. It’s truly an extraordinary journey from being tiny blind babies to curious explorers.

So, continue to adore your kittens, keep their environment safe, and always stay curious about their world. That curiosity and care will help foster a bond that will last a lifetime.

Kitten Opens His Eyes 9 Days After Birth

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