Learn how to safely let your cat outside without it running away, with precautions, training tips, and creating a cat-friendly outdoor space.
Category: Training
Positive reinforcement for cats is not just about training. It's about building a bond of mutual respect and understanding with your furball.
Keeping our furry friends off tables and counters is beneficial for maintaining cleanliness and for ensuring their safety and well-being.
With proper training, most cats and kittens can be trained to accept a harness and walk on a leash comfortably.
Chewing cords is dangerous for both kittens and cats. Here we discuss why they do it and how to get a kitten to stop chewing cords.
Stopping Kitten Biting and Scratching Before It Becomes a Habit
Biting and scratching is a normal behavior for kittens, but it's important to train them to exhibit proper behavior.